Writing Pendulum AssemblyCrafting Code for the Clockwork Virtual Machine

Pendulum is the virtual machine at the heart of Clockwork 3.x, and provides the flexibility for both configuration management applications (i.e. Clockwork proper) and distributed remote execution and data gathering (Clockwork's exciting new Mesh framework).

For the record, if you want to use Clockwork (and who wouldn't?) you don't have to write any code; Clockwork helpfully translates your policy manifests into Pendulum assembly for you. And if you want to use Mesh, you still don't have to get your hands dirty with code.

No, this post is for the indomitable hacker who likes to get her hands into a thing, up to the elbows if necessary, and figure out how it works.

Hello, World!

Let's just get this one out of the way.

fn main
  print "Hello, World!\n"

fn and print are opcodes, short for operation code. Each opcode instructs the Pendulum VM to perform some computation, and can take up to two arguments. Here, fn is followed by a label ("main"), and defines the start of a function. Since Pendulum is styled after low-level assembly languages, it lacks block structure and can only support functions by associating function names with their code entry points.

The print opcodes does just what you think it does; prints its string argument to standard output.

If you've got a build of Clockwork handy, you can use the included pn utility to compile and run the example:

$ cat
fn main
  print "Hello, World!\n"

$ ./pn -S
$ ./pn
Hello, World!

Check the man page for pn(1) for more information.

Register Machines

The Pendulum VM is a register machine, not a stack machine. It consists of a set of 16 general-purpose registers, %a - %p, an instruction pointer, and an accumulator.

A cell diagram showing the memory areas of a typical register machine.

The set opcode stores a value into one of the general-purpose registers:

fn main
  set %a "Hello, World!\n"
  print %a

The print opcode has a trick up its sleeve. If you give it a format string, it can pull information out of the general-purpose registers, format them and print the result.

fn main
  set %a "World"
  print "Hello, %[a]s\n"

A format specifier is just the name of a register, inside of '%[...]', followed by a printf-format specifier. Really, the '[...]' is interposed between the '%' and the rest of the specifier. See printf(3) for details.

Some Basic Opcodes

The basic arithmetic operators are add, sub, mult, and div. They each take two arguments, a register and a value. The register holds one of the operands (the leftmost one).

set %a 42
add %a 8   ;; %a == 50
sub %a 17  ;; %a == 33
mult %a 2  ;; %a == 66
div %a 3   ;; %a == 22

The mod opcode provides arithemtic modulo, the remainder after division. It also takes two arguments, a register and a value:

set %a 9
mod %a 8 ;; %a == 1

Pendulum has several comparison opcodes. eq, lt, lte, gt, and gte provide numeric comparison, while streq compares character strings for equality. Each of these opcodes takes two arguments, compares them to one another, and stores the result as an integer in the accumulator.

The acc opcode copies the value in the otherwise inaccessible accumulator into a named register:

eq 42 42
acc %a
print "42 == 42 ?   acc = %[a]i\n"

Finally, we have the jump opcodes, jmp, jz, and jnz. These directly manipulate the instruction pointer register. All of these take relative offsets (like +1 or -3), which define a number of opcodes to skip over. You can also define labels and jump to them, by name.

It is illegal to jump across function boundaries. Luckily, labels with the same names, in different functions, are distinct.

jmp is an unconditional jump. It works like goto:

fn main
  print "Pendulum is "
  jmp +1
  print "not "   ; never executed
  print "very cool\n"

will print Pendulum is very cooln

jz (jump if zero) checks the accumulator and changes the instruction pointer if the accumulator is 0. On the contrary, jnz (jump if not zero) only jumps when the accumulator is any other value. If the conditionas are not met, instructions continues with the next op.

Obviously, this lets us implement if / else conditionals:

;; is %a an even number?
fn even?
  mod %a 2
  eq 0
  jz +2
    print "%[a]i is even\n"   ;; if (a % 2 == 0)
    retv 0
  print "%[a]i is odd\n"      ;; else
  retv 1

They also let us implement loops:

;; countdown from %a to 0
fn countdown

    eq %a 0
    jz boom
    print "%[a]i...\n"
    sub %a 1
    goto again

    print "BOOM!\n"

Pendulum isn't all that picky about whitespace between statements. Sometimes you'll see a conditional and a jump on the same, line. Usually (although not always) the jump is a jz:

fn test
  eq %a 42 jz +1
  print "a is not 42\n"

That's idiomatic Pendulum for if a == 42.

Meet My Friend, Fibonacci

We've now got enough Pendulum Assembly under our belts to write the next most obligatory learning-a-new-language example: calculating Fibonacci numbers!

To recap, for the mathematically discinclined, the Fibonacci sequence is:

$$(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 38, 144, 233, 377, …)$$

Each Fibonacci number if the sum of the preceeding two Fibonacci numbers, or,

$$F_n = F_{n-1} + F_{n-2}$$

;; Calculate the nth Fibonacci number
fn fibonacci
  gte %n 2 jz +1    ;; F(0) = 1
    retv 1          ;; F(1) = 1

  sub %n 1                 ;; first we calculate n - 1
  call fibonacci           ;; then F(n - 1)
  acc %o                   ;; storing the value in %o

  sub %n 1                 ;; then, calculate n - 2
  call fibonacci           ;; and F(n - 2)
  acc %p                   ;; storing the value in %p

  add %o %p                ;; add the two values...
  retv %o                  ;; and return the sum

And here's a looping main function that calcualtes the first 14 Fibonacci numbers (any more and we run into stack problems because of the recursion)

fn main
    set %n 0
    gte %n 14                      ;; loop termination; after
      ret                          ;; 14 numbers, we're done.

    call fibonacci                 ;; calculate F(%n)
    acc %a                         ;; store it in %a, temporarily
    print "F(%[n]i) = %[a]i\n"     ;; and then print

    add %n 1                       ;; increment %n and
    jmp again                      ;; do it again

And here's the output!

F(0) = 1
F(1) = 1
F(2) = 2
F(3) = 3
F(4) = 5
F(5) = 8
F(6) = 13
F(7) = 21
F(8) = 34
F(9) = 55
F(10) = 89
F(11) = 144
F(12) = 233
F(13) = 377

Looks correct!

To get around the recursion stack overflow problem (try to calculate F(16) and you'll see what I mean), you could find a recurrence relation for Fibonacci numbers. If that type of stuff interests you, I highly recommend Knuth's Concrete Mathematics textbook (most likely available at your local library).

Closing Arguments

Pendulum is a complete and simple assembly language. The opcodes are straightforward and while the official documentation is still mostly non-existent, you can look through the opcodes.yml file, and src/vm.c on github for more information.

Hopefully in the coming weeks I'll find time to cover the fs.* opcodes, the authentication database and user/group management.

Code Examples

Here's the code from this article, available for download:

James (@iamjameshunt) works on the Internet, spends his weekends developing new and interesting bits of software and his nights trying to make sense of research papers.

Currently exploring Kubernetes, as both a floor wax and a dessert topping.